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dc.contributor.authorThu, Ho Kim
dc.description.abstractIn the high competitive market nowadays, companies get struggle to differentiate their products because of countless similar products appear every day; especially, for the case of packaged food and beverage companies. Simultaneously, consumers have more diverse choices for their product’s demand. To attract consumer, companies are using new marketing tool known as Cause- related marketing (CRM) with the main message that encourage consumers to make positive impact to society through their purchasing, donate a small amount of purchasing price to donation recipients. Even though this marketing tool is a good way for own companies and for society, but it has not been successful as expected. One of the reasons contributing to the failure is the design of critical campaign structure elements (CSEs). They are individual message components selected for campaign and have the ability to influence consumer’s intention and behavior. In this research, the impact of 2 factors: donation size (small, large) and donation recipient (well-known branded organization, unknown branded organization, unbranded social cause) and the interaction between 2 factors on the dependent variable consumer’s attitude and intention to join in the CRM campaign are investigated. The current research uses a factorial experimental design with manipulation of 2 donation size × 3 donation recipients which is adopted from the research of Debbie Human and Nic S. Terblanche (2012) Who Receives What? The Influence of the Donation Magnitude and Donation Recepient in Cause-Related Marketing, publishedin Journal of Nonprofit & Public Sector Marketing. 144 participants are randomly assigned to one of 6 experimental conditions to explore their reaction to different manipulation.After exploration of consumer’s attitude and intention with 2 critical CSEs in the context of Vietnamese market, recommendation is suggested to companies who want to apply CRM as their strategy in specific group of consumers.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipPh.D. Tu Van Binhen_US
dc.publisherInternational University HCMC, Vietnamen_US
dc.subjectManagement -- Marketingen_US
dc.titleThe influence of donation reccipient in cause related marketing : The case of Vietnamen_US

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