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dc.contributor.advisorSinh, Nguyen Van
dc.contributor.authorDung, Thai Duc
dc.description.abstractFor people, studying is very important. To study, people need books to gain knowledge about the problems they care about. Before the internet was invented, students must go to libraries to borrow the books that they want and return them after some days or weeks. In some areas where do not have libraries, people have to travel a long distance to borrow and return books. Due to these inconveniences, people nowadays prefer studying on the internet so that they can get free books or pay some money for them. This makes online libraries such as Wikipedia[1], Citizendium[2], and Uncyclopedia[3] have become popular nowadays. They provide a large number of free articles related to all fields in our life so that people can studying more conveniently and efficiently. However, when people looking for articles they do not know how to search efficiently. Maybe they forgot the title of the article, or do not remember the articles on which website. This makes people take a lot of time when they want to look for an article. So, they need an application that allows users to search for articles by entering words that are appeared on the title or in the content of the article. The application also allows users to search for articles across online libraries. Thus, a web-based application that allows people to search for articles across online resources can solve these problems. This application has two main features. First, people can search for articles that are stored in the database. To simplify the development process, this feature only allows people to search for articles that are related to IT fields. Second, people can use this application to search for articles in online libraries mentioned above on the internet.en_US
dc.publisherInternational University - HCMCen_US
dc.subjectWeb applications developmenten_US
dc.titleA search-based application for articles managementen_US

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