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dc.contributor.advisorVo Tuong Huan, Vo Tuong
dc.contributor.authorVuong, Tran Quoc
dc.description.abstractThis fstudy fsought fto finvestigate fthe feffect fof femployees' fwork fengagement fon forganizational fperformance fthrough fthe fmediating frole fof fjob fsatisfaction fwithin fa fparticular fcase fstudy fof fa fVietnamese fmanufacturing fcompany, fFine fInterior fVietnam fLtd. fQuantitative fresearch fdesign fand fregression fanalysis fwere fapplied fon fa ftotal fof f304 fvalid freturns fthat fwere fobtained fin fa fquestionnaire-based fsurvey. fThe fresults fshowed fthat femployees’ fwork fengagement fsignificantly faffected forganizational fperformance fand fthree fof fits fdimensions fincluding fvigor, fabsorption, fand fdedication fcontributed fsignificantly fto forganizational fperformance. fThe fresults falso fshowed fthat fwork fengagement fof fthe femployees fcurrently fworking fat fthe fcase-study fcompany fpositively fand fsignificantly faffected ftheir fjob fsatisfaction, fwhere fdedication fhad fthe fmost fcontribution. fIn faddition, fit fwas ffound fthat fjob fsatisfaction fsignificantly fand fpositively faffected forganizational fperformance. fFurthermore, fjob fsatisfaction fonly fpartially fmediated fthe fassociation fbetween femployees’ fwork fengagement fand forganizational fperformance. fThis fstudy fimplies fthat fFine fInterior fVietnam fLtd., fespecially fthe fkey fpeople fat fthe fmanagerial flevel fof fthe fcompany, fshould ftry ftheir fbest fto fpromote fand ffacilitate ftheir femployees' fwork fengagement fand fjob fsatisfaction fin fan feffort fto fimprove ftheir fperformance, fwhich fwill feventually fyield fpositive fresults ffor fthe fcompany fas fa fwhole. fIn flight fof fthese fresults, fthe fresearch fpresented fmany frecommendations ffor ffuture fresearch, fthe fmost fimportant fones fwere fthe fapplication fof fthis fstudy fin fother fsectors, fcultures, fand fcountries, fthe fexploration fof fthe fmoderating frole fof fjob fsatisfaction finstead fof fmediating frole, fand fthe fuse fof fother fsampling ftechniques. Keywords: femployee fengagement, fjob fsatisfaction, forganizational fperformanceen_US
dc.publisherInternational University - HCMCen_US
dc.subjectEmployee motivation; Organizational behavior; Psychology -- Industrialen_US
dc.titleThe impact of work engagement on organizational performance via the mediating role of job satisfaction - Case study of fine interior Vietnam Ltd.en_US

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