Application of arena simulation to improve warehouse operation: A case study of Unilever
In recent years, warehouses have become an irreplaceable part of the supply
chain. Numerous studies have shown that optimizing operations depends on having a
solid understanding of warehouse management and design principles. The inspiration
for this study came from a Back-of-factory facility in the Cu Chi district of Ho Chi Minh
City, Vietnam, which functions as Unilever's manufacturing, warehousing, and main
supplier of fast-moving consumer goods. Long truck cycle times, which represent the
amount of time each truck must spend in the system during the process of fulfilling an
order, are currently causing problems for the real-world system. Using the ARENA
Rockwell program, a discrete event-based simulation model has been created to analyze
this issue and discover the required solution. Then, in order to simulate how the real
system operates, the data gathered from the real system will be fed into the model. It is
anticipated that the result will accurately reflect the system as it is now. After carefully
examining the output, some possible modifications will be suggested in order to address
the aforementioned issues. The options were laid out in line with the goals and resources
of the case-study facility