Optimization of order picking route: A case study of gemadept warehouse
Order picking is the most time-consuming step in warehouse operation considered in
this research with the aim to minimize and effectively contribute to the entire process of
merchandise handling. The problem is shown and solved with three orders that are taken
from real cases of peak season with different demand and picking routes. We introduce
and model the problem based on the Vehicle Routing Problem calculated in Cplex and
the sensitivity analysis is implemented to evaluate the parameter influences.
Experiments show that the time for calculating by Cplex can engage difficulties solving
larger sizes of orders, we present a Variable Neighborhood Search metaheuristic to
assign routes with the same principles but a different methodology. Hence, we run the
model from 10 to 200 iterations for all 3 orders and analyze the efficiency of the results.
Finally, an application demo that accumulates data based on storage and visualizes the
separation of orders to pickers is presented.