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dc.contributor.advisorHa, Tran Manh
dc.contributor.authorNgoc, Tran Thi Hong
dc.description.abstractThis thesis presents a car rental portal website application that takes after Airbnb. The purpose of this application can help car rental service provider to bring and manage their rental service online and allow customer to find and book vehicle easily. Customer can rate and comment about their past renting and view vehicle’s information and search vehicle with many standard such as: searching for the highest rating providers, searching for the closest providers, searching for the number of seat, vehicle’ model, vehicle’ color, vehicle’s brand, vehicle’ category, vehicle’s fuel, year of production… to find and book vehicle easily. Provider can manage garage, manage vehicles, manage price group, manage vehicle’s bookings, manage report. The system utilize NganLuong Api to process payment fast.en_US
dc.publisherInternational University - HCMCen_US
dc.subjectCar rental portal; Book vehicle; Payment fasten_US
dc.titleStudy and development of a car rental portalen_US

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