An optimized human diseases ontology for medical diagnosis
The Disease Ontology has more than 8685 classes that define many kinds of
diseases, but it is lack of relations of the disease with symptoms and other disease
properties (consequences, agents, etc.). Currently, there are also many attempts to
organize this information, such as: Diseases Ontology (DOID), Symptoms Ontology
(SYMP), and Diseases Symptoms Ontology (DSO) [1]. However, these ontologies are
established in isolation, it presents the disease definition with few relations of the
disease and disease properties, and it is lack of relations of the disease and other disease
properties. In this thesis, we are proposing a method of constructing a Human Disease
Ontology for Medical Diagnosis (HDO-MD) by transforming data in the Disease
Ontology. The constructed ontology is composed of not only the disease definition and
relations of the disease and symptoms, but also the relations of the disease and other
disease properties (consequences, agents, etc.). The constructed ontology is
implemented and evaluated.
Keywords: Transform Disease Ontology, HDO-MD, DOID, SYMP, DSO