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dc.contributor.advisorTung, Tran Thanh
dc.contributor.authorHien, Bui Ngoc Thanh
dc.description.abstractSo far, the world’s technologies have been changing rapidly and those that cannot be adapted shall perish. There comes to a time when the emails have changed the way traditional letters work. This new technology is one of many key factors that lead to the Fourth Industrial revolution. Emails have been used for work, invitations, conversation and many more. However, there has not been many usages that take upon all the application that already been used. This gives some old-fashioned methods still be used like sending event invitations or managing work in the style of paper. Therefore, the presented Thesis will help to fix this issue. The application that will be mentioned in this thesis will take the usage of new technologies. By giving the templates that can be fixed or changed, invitations can now be sent via emails in different content. Besides the invitations, many aspects of managing work can now be upgraded to be accomplished by emails. Especially the time that is taken to work for the final goal is short and the steps are easy to be done by any users. The application that is presented in the thesis can be used in big or small companies for better improvement. With this new application, the environment will be saved from the pollution of wasted paper and other materials. Moreover, the system is easy to interact for both users and developers, this can help the application itself to be developed easily.en_US
dc.publisherInternational University - HCMCen_US
dc.subjectE-mail; Message queue service architectureen_US
dc.titleMass batch document generation with message queue service architectureen_US

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