A Web Application For Comparison Online Products
People rely on shopping to meet their personal requirements and to help them get
through their daily lives. Furthermore, online purchasing saves users time, effort, and
money. Technology products, on the other hand, are gradually becoming more popular
with the general public in terms of sorts, pricing, and intricate requirements. The
introduction of sales websites with a wide range of products and prices, as well as the
same or lower performance than existing prices, leaves customers perplexed while
making purchases. As a result, this thesis was created to assist people in comparing
pricing and specifications across many websites in order to select an acceptable product.
In my thesis, I investigate and develop a web application for comparing products such
as laptops. This application allows users to compare several computers, allowing them
to select their desired computer at a reasonable price. This thesis uses java for back-end
and reactjs for front-end. The reason I chose these two languages is that they are still
widely used in the industry today, and many frameworks support them. The reason I
chose these two languages is that they are still widely used on the market today, with
various frameworks supporting them. Spring Boot simplifies the creation of standalone,
production-ready Spring applications, making it easier to launch programs. Spring
Security is an authentication and access control framework that is both robust and very
flexible. The Antd framework also includes a collection of high-quality components and
examples for creating rich, interactive user interfaces. Redux and React-router-dom aid
in predicting the state of the store, as well as creating actions to handle the repository
and fix difficulties with that reducer and save the route of the necessary pages and block
users to unlinked sites. This project hopes to be warmly welcomed by many users so
that it can continue to develop in the future.