dc.description.abstract | Overall, this is a web application that aims to alleviate some of the difficulties that appear to
be occurring at the International University's School of Computer Science & Engineering
department, where I am doing my undergraduate degree. That is, students' access to academic
material, including curriculum and other associated academic information, is limited, easily
misconstrued, and difficult to utilize. We (the K18 class) had trouble managing our academic
program because it had been superseded by the academic programs of K19, K20, and, more
recently, K21; we also had trouble accessing other necessary information such as forms
(exclusive leave, military service deferment, opening more classes) and timely notices.
Access to other crucial information is also necessary, as previously stated. For example, it is
currently rather difficult for me to download a medical leave application form. After a little
digging, I might be able to discover them on the faculty website, or I might ask my friends
whether they've used them. However, this is a condition that produces more or less difficulty
for myself and others, particularly in current circumstance, when my health may not allow me
to do the things that I desire right now. is a leave application form that may be downloaded
right now. Notifying changes to class schedules, programs, activities, or regulations is a similar
issue: we must communicate with them through communication channels that are readily
misconstrued with announcements. other, or even mistakenly ignored because I find these
communication channels to be overflowing with information that is irrelevant to me, making it
simple to dismiss the notification.
Recognizing that the difficulties of obtaining accurate information in a timely and essential
manner has a significant influence on students' learning processes. For example, if a student in
course K18 misinterprets the curriculum in course K21, it will be difficult for them to register
for classes, manage their time, and construct a realistic timetable. Furthermore, for the Faculty
or the Head Teacher, topic registration censorship has become more complex.
As a result, the purpose of this research thesis is to suggest and construct a model that
attempts to address the issues. This is also a crucial step in the process of accumulating
experience in giving real-world solutions. By constructing the essential procedures to discover,
evaluate, propose solutions, and implement, this thesis subject is a parallel combination of the
solution model and real application outcomes. The project's highlight is a rather unique solution based on the technology used: a new web application model, a multi-tier structure, and quick
to construct but difficult to extend and manage.
However, because this is a topic based on the knowledge, experience, and expertise of a
single person – me – it is unavoidable that request errors such as building functions that fix a
problem will arise. The project's core feature is the solution model's flexibility, which allows it
to adapt and evolve in response to present and future difficulties, as well as the efforts of the
application development team. This, in my opinion, is an excellent alternative for faculty,
teachers, and especially motivated university students. | en_US |