Communications network with RF devices
Vietnam has a long coast line and vast resources so ocean exploiting is one of the important key aspects for the developing Vietnam‟s economy. But it is high risk for fishermen when tropical storms drop into our country. Maybe, the whole year profit or also human lives are swept out in a day. The best solution for this problem is setting up a system to locate all the ships on the ocean so when a hurricane comes, the system can announce ships where to evade it.
This thesis aims to use a GPS device to locate the ship and a DTMF module built-
in a handy radio, which every ship has at least one, to transmit the signal to the center on the radio band.
My research includes3 parts:
1. Setting up a protocol for controlling the transferring between the transmitter and receiver
2. Filter DTMF signals from voice bands by using IC
3. Converting DTMF signals back into GPS data
My thesis’s results will be integrated with Ms. Trang Pham’s work to build a
completed ad-hoc GPS information network on the sea to identify the location.