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dc.contributor.advisorPham, Nguyen Linh Khanh
dc.contributor.advisorNguyen, Hoai Nghia
dc.contributor.authorNguyễn, Đăng Quang
dc.description.abstractThis graduation thesis report describes the process of structural design, construction methods, construction engineering and construction management. Structural design focuses on design resistance for structural components like beam, slab and wall based on the architecture given beforehand. On the contrary, construction engineers focus on the method to construct the design component, how to make it possible to construction. In addition, construction management concentrates on managing schedule, planning, money and managing quality of performance in construction. This structural design is based on Eurocode to construct beams, slabs, and wall. Moreover, computing programs have helped to construct 3D models with typical load, wind load, earthquake load, and force analysis calculation internal force reinforcement. For the construction part, ACI code was applied to construct beam wall and slab formwork, with the importance and complexity analyzing shore type to make sure the formwork stable. Construction norms show the value in management field as it has shown the norm for every task in construction, managing resource and value. Investment rate over year help in scheduling and planning on duration and time to start construction. A total of 311,155,561,000 VNĐ will be needed for a duration of 1,5 years. Many details have been neglect during the structural design like finishing, excavation, procrastination due to any unexpected problemen_US
dc.subjectLucky Tower Apartmenten_US
dc.subjectStructural Designen_US
dc.subjectConstruction Managementen_US
dc.subjectDistrict 1en_US
dc.titleLucky Tower Apartment Structural Design And Construction Management District 1, Hcmcen_US

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