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dc.contributor.advisorNguyen, Thi Hiep
dc.contributor.authorNgo, My Duyen
dc.description.abstractFunctional foods derived from natural extracts, which are rich in bioactive compounds like polyphenols, flavonoids, and vitamins, can significantly contribute to the prevention of oxidative stress. In this study, the objective was to produce roselle nata de coco (RS), a dessert model containing antioxidant properties from spray-dried roselle powder. The physicochemical properties, including pH, titratable acidity, total phenolic content, anthocyanin content, and antioxidant activity of different RDC samples were assessed. Sensory acceptance tests were performed and the accepted RDC samples were determined their storage abilities under factor conditions including temperature and light for 8 weeks. The results showed that the properties of roselle powder have been successfully incorporated into nata de coco to form an antioxidantsupported food. The physicochemical and antioxidant properties were significantly different under treatments. RS3 was chosen as the optimal sample through physicochemical tests and sensory acceptance. In the stability study, the RS sample exhibited the ability to maintain its antioxidant properties and phenolic content for more than 8 weeks under all storage conditions, though the anthocyanin content was observed to decrease as the effects of storage temperature. As the results suggested, the roselle nata de coco produced in this study possessed promising properties to become an antioxidant-supported food product with health benefits and consumer acceptance.en_US
dc.subjectroselle powderen_US
dc.subjectnata de cocoen_US
dc.subjectfunctional fooden_US
dc.titleStudy On The Antioxidant Of Nata De Coco Loading Roselle Powderen_US

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