Enhancing Ivf Patient Support: The Development And Commercialization Of A Medical Mobile Application
In vitro fertilization (IVF) presents numerous biomedical challenges, including
low success rates and significant physical and psychological burdens on patients. The
aim of this project is to develop and run a clinical trial of a medical mobile application,
MyIVF, with the objective of assisting IVF patients in adhering to treatment regimens
and reducing their stress levels.
The study conducted a thorough examination of current mobile health
(mHealth) apps and discovered a shortage of specific solutions for IVF patients. MyIVF
was created to fulfill this gap, including functionalities such as medication reminders,
treatment notifications, and instructional resources. The software received
the assessment using the Mobile software Rating Scale (MARS) and was validated with
a sample of twenty patients in Hung Vuong Hospital, displaying excellent usability and
receiving positive feedback from users.
In order to facilitate the process of bringing the product to the marketplace, a
comprehensive business model was built. This model includes a thorough analysis of
the target consumer groups, the various avenues of income, and the strategic
relationships that are crucial for success. Additionally, financial projections and
fundraising strategies were established to guarantee long-term expansion and
successful entrance into the market.
Overall, MyIVF has the potential to improve the IVF treatment experience by
providing personalized support and enhancing the outcomes of patients. This study
demonstrates the practicality of using mHealth technology to address particular
healthcare challenges and highlights the significance of strategic planning in promoting
these innovations to the marketplace.