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dc.contributor.advisorLê, Duy Tân
dc.contributor.authorTrần, Nguyễn Thương Trường
dc.description.abstractThis report is a testimony to our work on the undergrad thesis project over two semesters, encompassing both research and implementation. The scope of this thesis is to understand cloud file storage technology and data-sharing mechanisms and to apply these concepts to an actual system enhanced with robust file-sharing features. The primary objective of this research is to design and implement a file storage system with advanced file-sharing capabilities. The project addresses the growing need for efficient, secure, and flexible file management solutions, particularly in an organizational context. The motivation for this combination is driven by the necessity to improve and overcome limitations compared to other commonly used products. The research methodology involves two key components: (1) file storage and (2) file sharing. The file storage and management module, implemented using Convex, supports uploading, downloading, updating, deleting, and favoriting files. It ensures secure and efficient file storage within organizational structures. Authentication and Authorization from Clerk Auth are utilized to manage user authentication and authorization, ensuring secure access and operations within the system. The file-sharing features are developed into distinct services. The first is Public Share, where files can be shared via publicly accessible links, with storage in MongoDB. The second is Protected Share, which secures files using OTPs, with data stored in Firebase. The third is Single Share, enabling real-time file sharing between users using OTP and temporary data storage through sockets. Additionally, Group Share and Multi Share are implemented using Peer-to-Peer (P2P) connections via PeerJS, allowing multiple users to share files simultaneously through room IDs, shared links, or QR codes. The developed system demonstrates significant improvements in file management efficiency and security. Key findings include: (1) enhanced security through the use of Clerk Auth and OTP-based protected sharing, (2) improved user experience and collaboration capabilities via real-time and P2P file sharing methods, and (3) robust organizational management, ensuring only authorized administrators can perform critical operations such as deleting an organization. This research contributes to the field by (1) providing a detailed architecture for an advanced file storage and sharing system, (2) implementing and testing multiple file-sharing methods to address various user needs and security requirements, and (3) demonstrating the integration of modern database technologies (Convex, MongoDB, Firebase) and P2P communication for scalable and efficient file sharing. The research concludes that integrating advanced file management and sharing features with secure authentication and authorization mechanisms significantly enhances the usability and security of file storage systems. The proposed system offers a versatile solution for both individual users and organizations, addressing contemporary needs for efficient data management and secure file sharing. Future research may focus on further enhancing the system’s scalability and exploring additional security measures, such as encryption for stored and shared files. Additionally, expanding the system to support more diverse file types and larger file sizes could provide even greater utility. While these ideas may not be entirely new, the combination of file storage and instant data sharing is particularly innovative in the context of Vietnam. We believe that our project represents a significant step towards solving one of the key challenges in cloud storage.en_US
dc.subjectforward proxyen_US
dc.subjectcloud storageen_US
dc.subjectinstant sharingen_US
dc.subjectCelerity Driveen_US
dc.subjectFile Sharing Management Systemen_US
dc.titleCelerity Drive - An Advanced File Sharing Management Systemen_US

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