A Web Application For Easy Meal Planning Based On User’s Taste And Smell Profile
Nowadays, with the development of digital platforms and culinary content, individuals have a
broad range of choices about what to cook. It is now convenient to access recipes from various
platforms, including websites and applications. As technology becomes more dynamic and
engaging, it allows people to explore, personalize, and store a wide choice of cuisines and
dietary preferences.
They are quite perfect until people realize that they have to put much effort into not only
choosing recipes but also following well-balanced eating habits. The sorting, tracking, and
preparation process are more time-consuming. Due to their limitations, it needs to be an
enhanced application to solve the above.
In this thesis, I propose a better method to user experience, including finding for specific type
of diet, giving insights into nutrition intake, automatically generating the grocery list, and
evaluating user’s preference based on taste and shape. In this thesis, I also we evaluate user
experiences using four distinct measures: the Visual Analog Scale (VAS), the Generalized
Labeled Magnitude Scale (gLMS), the System Usability Scale (SUS), and the NASA Task Load
Index (NASA-TLX).
VAS provides a simple and intuitive method for users to rate their experiences on a continuous
scale, capturing nuanced perceptions. The gLMS offers a flexible framework for assessing user
responses with labeled intensity levels, accommodating diverse evaluation criteria. SUS is a
widely used tool for assessing system usability, providing quick insights into user satisfaction
and system efficiency. NASA-TLX measures perceived workload across multiple dimensions,
including mental, physical, and temporal demands, as well as performance, effort, and
frustration. Together, these tools offer a comprehensive approach to understanding and
improving user interactions with systems and interfaces.
The proposed application can record the plan of diets and keep track nutritional content of
people’s meal plans toward a healthier lifestyle. By addressing the inefficiency in current
culinary applications, the enhanced application aims to simplify meal planning and support
better nutritional habits, that match user preferences.