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dc.contributor.advisorNguyễn, Thị Thuý Loan
dc.contributor.authorMai, Đăng Huy
dc.description.abstractWith the rapid growth of web platforms, the amount of data generated from user interaction with websites is enormous. This data is invaluable for businesses seeking to understand their customers and make informed decisions. Therefore, a robust system for tracking and analyzing user behavior on the web platform is essential. This thesis proposes a scalable infrastructure design and implementation for efficient real-time tracking, ingestion, processing, and analysis of user behavior, utilizing a microservice architecture and big data technologies. The methodology involves several key steps. First, a software development kit (SDK) is developed to capture user interactions and publish them to a package manager. Subsequently, extensive research is conducted to apply big data technologies to construct a scalable and reliable data layer. The system components, including a data ingestion server and an analytical dashboard, are then built and integrated with the data layer. Finally, the entire system is deployed to a cloud platform, and performance tests are conducted to evaluate its effectiveness.en_US
dc.subjectScalable Infrastructureforen_US
dc.subjectReal-Time Trackingen_US
dc.subjectUser Behavioren_US
dc.subjectWeb Platformsen_US
dc.titleScalable Infrastructurefor Real-Time Tracking And Analysis Of User Behavioron Web Platformsen_US

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