Design of a remote patent monitor device
This document presents an overview of the design process undertaken, as well as the overall objective of this project is to design and implement a prototype of remote patient monitor device with multi parameters, a reliable, a low cost, accurate system, and comfortable... This project specifically deals with data acquisition and signal process of the vital signs including ECG signal (Three lead I, II, III), heart rate, and body temperature.
ECG signal and heart rate are measured through an Electrocardiogram that is obtained by attaching skin surface electrodes on the patient’s wrists and legs. The ECG signal is filtered of noise and amplified to a value able to be read by an Analog
to Digital Converter. The data is processed by a microcontroller. Body temperature is measured inside the ear with an IC temperature sensor. All of the parameters are displayed on a Graphic liquid crystal display.
The report provides the theory and the design procedures; the experimental results
and discussions of this project are also presented.