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dc.contributor.authorHy, Thai Tan
dc.description.abstractThis thesis report describes an online quiz system that supports multiple choice question, named Android-based Quizzes System. This software can be used for any universities , colleges and school. This system requires faculty to create their own course and group number first. Once faculty want to create a new quiz they must choose the course and group which quiz is belong to, number of questions that quiz has and the duration it happens . Questions are used for quizzes will be added from a form page . these questions can be used for quizzes which having the same course but different group and re-used many times. For student, who want to participate in tests are required to send joining group request to faculty to get the permission from them. After receiving the allowance , they can start doing the quiz. When the time ends or student finish their duty sooner, the system will show them their scores . These results will be stored in database and automatically mailed to faculty when the last student done the qu iz.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipVo Duy Khoien_US
dc.publisherInternational University HCMC, Vietnamen_US
dc.subjectOnline quiz system - Softwareen_US
dc.titleAndrod-based quizzes systemen_US

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