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dc.contributor.advisorY, Nguyen Nhu
dc.contributor.authorNhi, Nguyen Thi Ngoc
dc.description.abstractA new e-commerce paradigm has been contributed by the growth of social networking sites (s-commerce). S-commerce is an e-commerce branch that social interactions and user contributions through SNSs are key activities to promote the online purchase and sale of various products and services. This thesis examines social commerce marketplace in Vietnam, investigating the social factors that affect consumers’ trust in online sellers, which in turn have an impact on purchase intention. Vietnam s-commerce marketplace growth dramaticaly recent years, but this development has involved a variety of problems such as no deliverance and the distribution of incorrect goods. Particularly, customers’ belief has been critical factor driving the rise of s-commerce businesses, forcing them to make a huge effort to obtain this trust. On this point, this study highlights the main variables in s-commerce (reputation, information quality, economic feasibility, and word-of-mouth) that is the characteristics of s-commerce that affect trust of Vietnamese consumers in s-commerce. Furthermore, the impact of trust on purchase intentions is investigated in this study. The target respondents are Vietnamese people who have shopped cosmetics on any platforms of social commerce. The findings of an empirical analysis based on survey of 310 cosmetic s-commerce consumers point out that all the characteristics of s-commerce proposed in this study (with the exception for economic feasibility) had significant effects on trust and that trust had significant effects on purchase intentions. The paper provides some suggestions for cosmetic companies that want to broaden their market on social commerce, as well as points out some limitations that further researchs should advance and dig more thoroughly into this concept. Keywords Cosmetic social commerce, Trust, Purchase intention, Reputation, Information quality, Economic feasibility, Word-of-mouth refferalsen_US
dc.publisherInternational University - HCMCen_US
dc.subjectOnline shopping; Electronic commerceen_US
dc.titleThe impact of trust on online purchase intention of cosmetic product - A study of Vietnam social commerce marketplaceen_US

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