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dc.contributor.authorHien, Ngo Thi Thu
dc.description.abstractAccelerated autolysis of spent brewer’s yeast was studied by adding different accelerating agents and optimizing conditions such as temperature and pH. Protein re leased c ontent in the hydrolysate was determined by Lowry method while the total α- amino nitrogen c ontent by Nihydrin method, using leuc ine as a standard. Four accelerating agents such as chitosan, ethanol, ethyl acetate, and thiamine was proposed to inc rease the protein a nd α- a mino nitrogen produc tion from the autolys is of brewe r’s yeast c ells c onducted at pH of 5.0 and temperature of 500C for 24 h. As a result, ethyl acetate was chosen as the best agent whic h made high α-a mino nitrogen produc tion with reasonable c ost . The rate of its inc lusion was suggested at 1.5%. In addition, ac c elerated autolysis with ethyl ac etate was also optimize d for pH a nd te mperature c onditions to get the highest c ontent of protein a nd α- a mino nitrogen. The result of expe riment showed the acc elerated autolysis with 1. 5% ethyl ac etate at pH 6.0 and 500 C produc ed highest protein c ontent (55.31%) and α- a mino nitroge n (6. 65%). The yeast extract was spray-dried to make the yeast powder with 10.1% nitrogen content, and 63.2% protein content. Key word: α-amino nitrogen, accelerating autolysis, Brewer’s yeast, yeast extract.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipDr. Dang Quoc Tuanen_US
dc.publisherInternational University, Vietnamen_US
dc.subjectBrewer's yeast, Yeast extracten_US
dc.titleAccelerated autolysis of brewer's yeast cells for production of yeast extract powderen_US

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