The effects of television commercials on customers' loyalty - A mediation analysis of brand awareness
The main objective of this study was to investigate the influence that
television commercials have on customers’ loyalty through brand awareness within the
advertising industry in Viet Nam, with the milk advertisings as the case study. In this
study, the concept of brand awareness was measured as brand recall and brand
recognition. A sample size of 300 customers was collected for the study. Reliability,
validity, descriptive, multiple regressions, and path analysis were conducted using the
Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 20.00. The present study
examined the relationship between music, trust, humor, interest, advertising message,
repetition, length, brand awareness and customers’ loyalty. These variables were more
and more recognized as being foundations of competitive advantage. Still, little
empirical research has been investigated amongst these variables simultaneously and
their relationships with loyalty behavior. Therefore, the present study was conducted to
develop an understanding of the relationships between these variables and their impact
on customers’ loyalty. The study demonstrated that there were a positive and direct
relationship between dependent variable (customers’ loyalty) and independent
variables (trust, interest, brand recall, and brand recognition). Furthermore, customers’
loyalty was indirectly affected by the factors of repetition, humor, advertising, message,
and trust. It was recommended that advertising manager should improve these factors
of television advertisings to induce brand awareness as well as brand loyalty.
Keywords: Customers’ Loyalty, Brand Awareness, Music, Trust, Humor,
Interest, Advertising Message, Repetition, Length.