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dc.contributor.authorThuy, Nguyen Minh
dc.description.abstractThe human genital mycoplasmas including M.hominis, U.parvum and U.urealyticum give rise to a variety of pathological complications and sexually transmitted diseases, which might consequently bring about negative effects on adults and infants. Although M.hominis and Ureaplasma spp. can be isolated and cultured, cultivation requires analytical skills at distinguishing the distinct differences between U.parvum and U.urealyticum. Thus, commercial real-time PCR assay was applied to detect the presence of those obligate intracellular mycoplasmas in clinical specimens, which illustrates the infection rate from July to December, 2015. The result demonstrated firstly that the overall positive incidence for M.hominis, U.parvum and U.urealyticum was respectively 12.50%, 46.88% and 40.63%. Also, the 30-39 age group involved a considerable risk of infection caused by those sexually transmitted mycoplasmas. The second outcome of this study demonstrated that a large number of nucleotide polymorphisms were identified in 23S rRNA gene of Ureaplasma spp., which might be associated with species evolution via horizontal transfer gene. Erythromycin resistance genes ermB, regarded as precursory findings, were detected in 25% of ureaplasma samples. Conversely, neither M.hominis nor Ureaplasma spp. harbored tetracycline resistance gene tetM. Due to sequence variability and the acquisition of resistance gene, it could be implied that genetic changes in ureaplasmal genome might influence their antibiotics susceptibility. Keywords: Mycoplasma hominis (M.hominis) Ureaplasma spieces (Ureaplasma spp.) 23S rRNA genes L4/L22 ribosomal protein genes ermB tetMen_US
dc.description.sponsorshipPh.D Cao Huu Nghiaen_US
dc.publisherInternational University - HCMCen_US
dc.titleGenetic variability of M.Hominis and Ureaplasma SPP. in response to standard treatment using Tetracycline and Macroclide antibiotics in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnamen_US

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