Celebrity endorsement and advertising effectiveness - The case study of Oppo VietNam
Throughout the years, along with the growth of celebrity endorsement in marketing
strategy, various studies have been made in order to find the effect of celebrity
endorsement on advertising effectiveness. However, despite having many paper from
different places of the world, none paper studies about Vietnam has been conducted.
Based on literature of previous studies in terms of celebrity endorsement, this present
paper uses Ohanian (1990) three-dimensional construct of celebrity endorser credibility
(attractiveness, trustworthiness, and expertise) to test celebrity credibility on attitude
toward the ad, attitude toward the brand, and purchase intention. A questionnaire was
built using Oppo as the brand featuring Son Tung M-TP as an endorser and filled out by
410 respondents. The factor construct was tested using exploratory factor analysis, and
the data was analyzed using structural equation modeling. Findings reveal that
Vietnamese consumers do not differentiate between trustworthiness and expertise which
means they only consider attractiveness and expertise as dimensions for a credible
celebrity endorser. In addition, expertise is seen as more crucial than attractiveness for
credibility. Lastly, results proved that there is positive impact from celebrity endorser
credibility to attitude toward the ad, attitude toward the brand, and purchase intention.