Study of the rate of normal sperm morphology after sperm preparation for intracytoplasmic sperm injection
Thesis was about study of the rate of normal sperm morphology after sperm preparation for intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ISCI) to identify the rate of normal morphology of sperms after sperm preparation then compare the rate of normal morphology of sperms before and after discontinuous density gradients - sperm preparation for ICSI. The report of this study could provide an important database for in-vitro fertilization (IVF) lab. Base on it, IVF labs could make some interventions
as changing the steps or techniques in sperm preparation or find the new suitable methods for sperm preparation which effect to quality control, quality assurance and total quality management, if necessary, to improve the outcomes of ICSI. The research performed evaluating of sperm motility, number and normal morphology before and after sperm preparation for ICSI as semen analysis technique and discontinuous density gradients method. The result of this experiment concluded increasing of normal morphology sperms after sperm preparation for ICSI which improve the chance for catching the best sperm for ICSI in the laboratories can decide the success or failure of whole process. To avoid the biases in infertile treatment, especially in ICSI, the standardization according to WHO 2010 standard for semen analysis and sperm preparation protocols from many different locations is obligated. On the other hand, this thesis gave an important lesson for biotechnological engineer about KAP- Knowledge, Attitude and Practice in Lab when
working with biological materials- sperms from patients.