Transformation of orchid (Dendrobium sp.) via Agrobacterium coated microparticle bombardment
MS medium with Vitamin B5 and coconut water with different concentration
were used for investigating the suitable medium of shoots. After six weeks, MS
medium supplemented with 20% coconut water was concerned that the optimal
medium for shoots growth with a large number and strength. These shoots also
developed strongly and healthy in the medium which contained MS medium, 1g
l-1 activated carbon and 0.3 mg l-1 growth hormone NAA. Agrobacterium coated
particle bombardment was seemed to be as a new method which enhanced the
transgenic efficiency of Dendrobium sp. Its was used to introduce ipt gene into
Dendrobium sp. in order to inhibit leaf senescence of transgenic orchid, based on
micro-wounding of PLBs by particle bombardment prior to inoculation with an
Agrobacterium suspension. This method combined the advantages of somatic
embryo-genesis and gene transfer through an integrated transformation system.
This was a first report of application of this technique to transformation of orchid.