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dc.contributor.advisorMinh, Pham Le Nhat
dc.contributor.advisorHoai, Nguyen Thi Thu
dc.contributor.authorNhi, Nguyen Ngoc Quynh
dc.description.abstractHuman leukocyte antigen is known as the most polymorphic genetic system in human genome. The distribution of HLA alleles is inconsistent among distinct ethnic groups. In previous study, the HLA system has been suggested as the risk factor for disease susceptibility and transplant failure. Thus, the investigation into the allele frequencies of HLA system is the integral key to further studies about HLA related diseases and transplantation. The frequency of HLA class I (A and B) alleles were identified in 50 renal donors and 50 end-stage renal disease patients tested at Blood Transfusion Center in Cho Ray Hospital. The alleles were typed by the polymerase chain reaction sequence-specific oligonucleotides method produced by One Lambda branch applied Luminex technology. HLA fusion version 3.0 software and LABScan3D were used to analyze the data. Furthermore, the comparison of HLA class I frequencies in our cohort group with those of other populations was also carried out in this study. Thirty-three HLA class I alleles were obtained involving 12 of HLA-A alleles and 21 of HLA-B alleles. The data analysis revealed that HLA-A*02 (32%-28%), HLA-A*11(22%-25%), HLA-*24 (15%-20%) and HLA-A*33 (11%-11%) were the most common alleles found in both renal patients and healthy donors, respectively. Additionally, HLA-B*15 (28%) and HLA-B*46 (16%) were verified to have high prevalence in ESRD patients; whereas HLA-B*15 (18%) and HLA*40 (10%) were the commonest alleles among renal donors. In conclusion, our preliminary results shown that there is a high allelic diversity in HLA class I system among our Vietnamese population. The presentative alleles are HLA-A*02, HLA-A*11, HLA-A*24, HLA-A*33, HLA-B*15, HLA-B*40 and HLA-B*46. Thus, the data of this study might be considered as a reference database for the HLA class I allele frequencies in Vietnamese people and used for the primary step in the search of graft rejection in transplantation and HLA associated diseases, especially in autoimmune diseases Keywords: Human leukocyte antigen, HLA-A alleles, HLA-B alleles, HLA allele frequencies, transplantation, autoimmune diseasesen_US
dc.publisherInternational University - HCMCen_US
dc.subjectHuman leukocyte antigenen_US
dc.titleHLA - I polymorphisms among healthy donors and end - stage renal disease patients tested at Blood transfusion center in Cho Ray hospitalen_US

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