Improving Stocking Policy By Simulating The Current Status And Optimizing Arrangement Items
This thesis addressed a problem of long picking time in the warehouse, which is an issue
that the numerous of warehouses avoid. The thesis used discrete event dynamic simulation
to simulate the whole operation of picking items to figure out the bottleneck. After knowing
the bottleneck, the total travelled time in one month was calculated in Excel. The main
purpose of this thesis is to improve the warehouse’s efficiency and reduce the average
waiting time by resolving the Storage Location Assignment Problem (SLAP) to minimize
the monthly travelled time in the warehouse. CPLEX will be used to solve a mixed-integer
linear to achieve the objective. The result will be analyzed and the new layout which is
recommended by CPLEX will be shown in the result part. By implementing this model,
the results indicate that the time travelled in the warehouse can be reduced in more than
2000 minutes by just reallocating items in different locations.