Design Supply Chain For Argicultural Productions Of Vietnam: A Case Study Of Whiteleg Shrimp In Hoa Binh District, Bac Lieu Province
Supply chain design has become a familiar term in operating business and managing
manufacturing, activities, selling products to customers all over the world. If businesses
want to operate smoothly from the production stage until the goods reach consumers, it is
imperative to build an effective supply chain system. For agricultural products, especially
aquaculture products like shrimps, this is also an important task to be considered. This study
is to solve the main problems existing the supply chain for whiteleg shrimp in Hoa Binh
District, Bac Lieu Province, which are related mostly to the transportation system and
facilities allocation, by studying the current network and then using integer programming
to build model to minimize the cost caused by unreasonable locations of nodes in the
network, python coding running by CPLEX is assigned to provide answer to the objective.