The Effects Of China Economy On The Stock Prices In The Asean Region
This study examines China’s EPU (Economic Policy Uncertainty) and TPU (Trade
Policy Uncertainty) factors affecting stock prices in ASEAN region, which were
represented by four ASEAN economies in analyzing such as Malaysia, the Philippines,
Singapore, and Thailand. The dynamic correlation is investigated the effects of Chinese
economic policy uncertainty on stock market returns of the ASEAN region in the period
from 1979Q2 to 2019Q4 and the effects of Chinese trade policy uncertainty on stock
market returns of the ASEAN region in the period from 2000Q1 to 2019Q4. The
utilization of the VAR model to determine how the stock market in each nation reacts
to China's economic policy instability shocks. The study investigates the effects of
China’s Economic Policy Uncertainty (EPU) and Trade Policy Uncertainty (TPU) on
specific macroeconomic variables of the economies in the ASEAN region (i.e. EQ
(equity prices), EP (exchange rate), DP (inflation), Y (real GDP), and R (Short-term
interest rate)). The results demonstrate that the impact of China's EPU shock on the
variables of the ASEAN economies leads to equities falling, the domestic currency
depreciating, and output declining but its impact is not too large and obvious like the
influence of China's TPU shock on ASEAN’s stock markets