The Impact Of Information Sharing On Supply Chain Cooperating Advertising Strategy
We consider a distribution network between a manufacturer and a retailer in which the
manufacturer establishes an online channel and gives the retailer financial support so that
the retailers may execute a regional advertising campaign. Additionally, each producer and
distributors have their own data of the market's demand. We thus consider the importance
of manufacturer collaborative advertising and its critical impact on the exchange of
information between manufacturers and distributors. Our findings demonstrate that in a
setting of demand fluctuation, manufacturer collaborate advertising significantly effect to
dual-channel performance. Communication campaigns can help both manufacturers and
retailers increase their expected profitability. The manufacturer's joint advertising, on the
other hand, encourages the retailer to misstate its information, while the manufacturer has
an incentive to diminish its predictio. In order to minimize misinformation and obtain
optimized results, we inspire supply chain players should use an advertising company in
order to check the information supplied and assist in optimizing the advertising spend.