Lot-Sizing Problem With Uncertain Demand
Uncertainty is one of the most major considerations when it comes to planning the
manufacturing schedule. When it comes to lot-sizing considering the unpredictability of the
situation has become more vital. In this piece of research, a lot-sizing with unpredictable demand is
investigated. The lot-sizing of each product is what decides the batch size for that product. In order
to cut down on overall system expenditures such as production and setup time, as well as inventory
and backlog, a multi-stage stochastic programming model is developed. Our goal is to determine
the optimal balance between the number of products produced and the total cost. A case study that
was based on a clothing manufacturing company was carried out so that the idea could be shown
and validated. In order to not only verify the suggested mathematical model but also quantitatively
illustrate the quality of our technique, numerical findings based on a manufacturing business have
been obtained. These results were used in the study. A test for the stability of the sample size as
well as sensitivity assessments on a variety of factors has also been carried out.