Applying machine learning in forecasting hotel booking cancelations
Demand forecasting is vital to the tourism and hospitality industry because it helps the hotels' revenue
management process to be controlled more effectively. However, Booking Cancellations usually
significantly affect the accuracy of demand forecast. Based on data from 119,390 booking
observations from July 1, 2015, to August 31, 2017, of a resort hotel and a city hotel in the Algarve
and Lisbon, respectively; the aim of this study is to two apply Machine Learning methods-Logistic
regression and XGBoost to predict the booking cancelations of these two hotels. The result of the
model showed that the XGBoost performed better with an accuracy of 90,96 % compared with that
of Logistics Regression is only 86,07 %. Moreover, the model also shows that the most important
feature in deciding whether the bookings will be canceled is the Lead Time.