Developing Urban Logidtics Towards Sustainable Supply Chain Of Seafood During And Post-Covid-19 Pandemic: A Case Of Ho Chi Minh City
During COVID-19 pandemic the supply chain and operations in HCMC have been significantly
interrupted and some other provinces have also been halted for an extended period of time, which
has had a significant impact on the economic activities of seafood, leading to a series of difficulties
that people face in accessing this type of product. This thesis focuses on developing urban logistics
services, especially for cold chain towards sustainable development in order to maintain and avoid
disruption of the seafood supply chain. There are two main goals. Firstly, the evaluation of factors
affecting the development of urban logistics is investigated by combination of qualitative and
quantitative approaches performed by IBM SPSS Statistics 26 tool for developing the research
model and survey, and analyzing descriptive statistics based on Cronbach's Alpha, Exploratory
Factor Analysis (EFA), Pearson correlation analysis and Linear Regression. Secondly, based on
the findings of analysis from the previous part, a solution to develop urban cold chain logistics
related to logistics infrastructure and logistics cost is proposed. There are two mathematical models
including (1) network optimization model for shrimp supply chain from Bac Lieu to HCMC and
(2) vehicle routing planning for delivery to customers in HCMC by developing a multiple integer
linear programming (MILP) model and solving it by IBM CPLEX. The proposed models can be
used for strategic decisions such as determining the correct number of facilities to minimize the
total supply chain network costs and operational decisions to fulfill customer’s demand. After
promoting the development of urban logistic services, the expected outcome shall not only
contribute benefits to the seafood industry in particular but also to the entire supply chain for any
kind of product in order to bring up the level of economic growth and environmental protection
awareness in the transportation industry