Initial Development Of Novel High Polymorphic STR Panel On The Vietnamese Population Using In Silico Approaches
Although STR is an important type of genetic markers which has the potential in the forensic
studies, STR variation in Vietnamese population has been not studied in depth. Some studies shown
that genetic variables such as heterozygosity vary across worldwide populations. Therefore, there are
the need to examine STR in different populations instead of solely rely on single STR panel. Besides,
current genotypers have been facing challenges in accurately genotyping from next-generation
sequencing data, results in missing of alleles that longer than read length. The objective of this
investigation was to perform a screening analysis of a set of all STRs detected on GRCh38 and release
a novel high polymorphic STR panel in Vietnamese population to the forensic community. A set of
1,340,266 STR were analyzed using CRAM file of Kinh Vietnamese from the 1000 Genomes Project
on high-coverage (30x) GRCh38 dataset. 122 individuals from Kinh Vietnamese were used to call
genotypes. Despite 5,685 high polymorphic STR (PIC > 0.5) recorded by performing multiple
analysis, only 98 STR survived that are more genetic diverse in Vietnamese population than current
common STR. This study provided complementary data for further forensic research in Vietnamese