How Debt Maturity Structure Effects On Stock Price Crash Risk: Evidence From Vietnam
This studyxanalyzes the relationshipxbetween thexdebt maturityxstructure and the
stockxprice crashingxrisk forxnon-financial enterprises in the Vietnamese Stock
Market from 2012 to 2022. The paper uses a samplexof 189 publicly listed in the Ho
Chi MinhxStockxExchange and Ha NoixStock Exchange (571 observations). The
findings indicate that the possibilityxof stock market crashes are significantly and
highly related to firms' long-termxdebt maturities. This suggests that growing long termxdebt increases the probability of a stockxpricexcrash risk. Strong
corporatexmanagement procedures resultxin favorablexdebt issuesxover timexand
reducexunderstanding asymmetry, leading toxcorporate crashxrisk. xThe findings are
significant because they demonstrate how the debt maturity structure influences
shareholder wealth protection