Review Characteristics Influencing Review Credibility For Health Products On Online Marketplaces
Ever since the happening of COVID-19, the popularity of e-commerce and the
willingness to pay more for health have gradually increased over time. With that,
understanding what makes a review credible for consumer health products in an e commerce environment like online marketplace has become important for both
academics and practitioners. Thus, the study was set out to investigate which content related characteristics of an online review for health products consumers usually rely on
to judge its credibility. The five characteristics in question are: accuracy, completeness,
timeliness, review sidedness, and review consistency. Additionally, the study also
examined the effects under different degrees of expertise and involvement. With the
theoretical help of ELM (Elaboration Likelihood Model), the research model was then
established. Using an online survey, data was collected from shoppers in the online
marketplaces who satisfied the two criteria: had previously looked for or bought health
products; and read the reviews from the online marketplaces. Data analysis was then
operated using PLS-SEM (partial least squares structural equation modeling). The final
results, consistent with previous research, showed the positive effect of accuracy,
completeness, and review sidedness on review credibility. Review consistency and
timeliness, however, did not have any significant effect. The results also revealed that
accuracy and completeness respond well with high and low expertise respectively, while
review sidedness is indifferent towards both levels. Involvement, however, did not
express any significant interaction effects with any information cues. The theoretical and
practical implications of the findings were also discussed at the end of this study.