The Influence Of Knowledge Of Eco-Labels, Environmental Concerns And Past Green Purchase Experience On Consumer's Green Purchase Intention: A Case Of Food Products In Ho Chi Minh City
In Vietnam, especially in Ho Chi Minh City, the food industry is undergoing significant transformation and growth. However, the concept of eco-labels on food products is still relatively new to many consumers, and there is not yet specific information or large-scale advertising campaigns that can effectively encourage consumers to try these products. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the influences of Knowledge of Eco-labels, Environmental Concerns, and Past Green Purchase Experiences on Consumer Green Purchase Intention, specifically applied to the case of food products in Ho Chi Minh City. This can help businesses and policymakers gain a more comprehensive view to promote consumer use of green food products and transform business production processes to protect the environment. To test the hypotheses, a quantitative survey using Convenience sampling and Snowball sampling methods was conducted online, with a total of 267 valid respondents. The data were then analyzed using SPSS 20 and AMOS 23 software to perform statistical analysis. The findings of this research are encouraging, showing that Knowledge of Eco Labels, Environmental Concerns, and Subjective Norms all positively influence Consumer Attitudes toward choosing green food products. Environmental Concerns also have a positive impact on Perceived Behavioral Control. Additionally, Consumer Attitude and Perceived Behavioral Control significantly affect Consumer Green Purchase Intention. This study also demonstrates that Consumer Attitude and Perceived Behavioral Control mediate the relationship between Knowledge of Eco-Labels and Environmental Concerns on Consumer Green Purchase Intention. Furthermore, Consumer Attitude is also shown to be a mediating factor influencing the relationship between Subjective Norms and Consumer Green Purchase Intention. However, two hypotheses were rejected, namely that Subjective Norms and Past Green Purchase Experience directly impact Consumer Green Purchase Intention. Based on these results, the researcher proposes several recommendations for businesses and policymakers and notes the limitations of this research.