The Impact Of Ethical Leadership On Work Engagement: The Mediating Effect Of Workplace Spirituality
The importance of workplace spirituality has become increasingly vital in the period of
the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Recognising and addressing the spiritual needs of
employees is crucial to effectively managing the impact of technological developments
on work and organisational operations. The purpose of the study is to investigate the
impact of ethical leadership on the development of workplace spirituality and work
engagement in the workplace. Furthermore, we examine the impact of workplace
spirituality on mediating the relationship between EL and WE. The data was collected
from a sample of 480 individuals belonging to Generation Y who work in different
industries, using the convenience sampling technique. The findings confirm that when
leaders exhibit ethical behaviour, which encompasses honesty, integrity, and fairness,
it fosters a sense of significance and direction (workplace spirituality) among
employees. The heightened level of spirituality in the workplace ultimately results in
increased levels of intrinsic motivation and engagement among employees. This
research states that workplace spirituality mediates the connection between ethical
leadership and work engagement.