Improving Efficiency In Production, Maintenance, And Distribution Scheduling By An Enhanced Simheuristic Strategy
Production schedule is a specific plan to produce business products at a certain time. This is an
essential step for businesses to estimate the actual production capacity of the project. Effective
scheduling ensures that resources are used optimally, every movement in manufacturing runs
smoothly, and production goals are achieved. However, some factors can significantly impact
production schedules, creating challenges for maintaining a smooth process. One of the main
influences is the impact of maintenance activities, which are essential for maintaining
machinery and equipment but can disrupt production schedules. Additionally, delivery
schedules to customers, which include product routing based on distance and time constraints,
further complicate the planning process. Production schedules, machine maintenance
schedules, and distribution schedules affect each other. If not integrated effectively, it will lead
to over or under-utilization of resources, wasting time and costs and reducing productivity,
customer satisfaction. To solve this problem, this article proposes Non-domination Sorting
Genetic Algorithm to solve the Integrated Production Maintenance Distribution Scheduling
Problem (IPMDSP) with the goal of optimizing production activities including transportation
costs, maintenance costs and customer satisfaction. The iterative Non-domination Sorting
Genetic Algorithm is continued until the termination conditions are met and the optimal result
is achieved.