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dc.contributor.advisorTran, Duc Vi
dc.contributor.authorPham, Thi Thuy Van
dc.description.abstractThe advent of e-commerce has revolutionized the retail landscape, offering consumers unparalleled convenience and access to a myriad of products with just a few clicks. However, this exponential surge in online shopping has presented a host of logistical challenges for shipping companies tasked with fulfilling the burgeoning demand. In this dynamic environment, the efficient management of delivery routes becomes paramount, with a keen emphasis on optimizing operations to maximize profitability while meeting stringent weight and timing restrictions. Moreover, the prevalence of order reassignments within a two-day window adds an additional layer of complexity to the traditional Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP), necessitating innovative approaches to align theoretical models with practical realities. Therefore, this thesis studies the problem by referencing the Mixed-Integer Linear Programming (MILP) model of Orenstein, Ido, Raviv, Tal, and Sadan, Elad (2019), and develops a Constraint Programming (CP) model to solve the problem. Data consisting of over 50 points, including the depot, and 1500 parcels of 3 different sizes are used to run the CP model. The results produced a detailed delivery plan with a success rate of 88% and the corresponding costs. Additionally, a sensitivity analysis was conducted to evaluate and provide recommendations on adjusting the weights in the objective function to achieve more successful deliveries and cost savings. Finally, the impacts on the environment, society, and economy when applying the model in practice are analyzeden_US
dc.subjectVehicle Routing Problemen_US
dc.subjectDelay Ordersen_US
dc.subjectCapacity Constraintsen_US
dc.subjectMixed Integer Linear Programmingen_US
dc.titleVehicle Routing Problem With Muilti-Sized Locker At Service Point: A Case Study Of Company X In Hcmcen_US

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