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dc.contributor.advisorDuong, Vo Nhi Anh
dc.contributor.authorLe, Truong Hoang Tam
dc.description.abstractThis dissertation uses multimodal transporting methodologies to discover the objective of cost-optimal transporting within the context of Ford, a Vietnamese automaker. The major goal is to generate a network transporting design of an efficient model that mildly overall transportation cost. The thesis tackles optimal supply chain systems from the viewpoint of a multimodal logistics provider and uses a mathematical model called Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) for multilevel cost optimization. The optimal criterion considers several variables, including transportation, distribution, production, distribution costs, environmental expenses, timing, volume, capacity, and means of transportation. The model is considered using the CPLEX program, and numerical tests are brought with sample data to show the possible positives of supply chain optimization and making decision support. The findings and comments of multiple experiments are included in the dissertation, along with a single implementation process. It also pays for the company's overseas logistics shipping expenses. Moreover, an approach to programming engines so that gaining the best possible mix of transport modalities is suggested. Lastly, an experimental investigation is carried out to demonstrate the applicability and efficiency of the suggested paradigm. It is well acknowledged that multimodal freight transport plays a significant role in national transportation, fostering international cooperation and economic development. In order to draw in investors and companies looking for superior services, the transportation sector needs to be considered a separate industry. It takes more than just figuring out the quickest and most economical path to complete the assignment; all the parts must be flexibly integrateden_US
dc.subjectMultimodal transportationen_US
dc.subjectOptimal supply chainen_US
dc.subjectCost optimizationen_US
dc.subjectCPLEX softwareen_US
dc.titleMultimodal Transportation Optimization Cost For Automobile Production Ford In Vietnamen_US

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