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dc.contributor.advisorTran, Van Ly
dc.contributor.authorPhan, Trung Hieu
dc.contributor.authorTran, Quang Vinh
dc.description.abstractDemand forecasting has played a crucial role in allowing organizations to efficiently meet future customer demands. The main focus of current research is to create models that minimize the margin of error in forecasting. However, it is evident that a significant proportion of Colombian companies predominantly depend on conventional approaches to forecasting their requirements, thereby overlooking the potential benefits of employing machine learning and deep learning models. This study presents a comparative evaluation of the efficacy of demand projection models for a particular category of fast moving consumer goods (FMCG) provided by Cerescos, Google Colab, and Excel. The projections for the subsequent months of 2023 and January 2024 were derived from the demand dataset pertaining to the company's products as well as a collection of macroeconomic indicators for Vietnam spanning from January to September. The selection of forecasting models was based on a thorough examination of comparable studies and an analysis of the demand patterns and time series data of FMCG. This study assesses the performance of multiple linear regression, SARIMA-MLR, and recurrent neural networks (RNN) models on the study goods. The evaluation is conducted using real data from the remaining months of 2023 and January 2024. The measurements employed for forecast error are MSE, MAD, CFE, TS, and MAPE. The results indicate that the RNN models with double LSTM layers demonstrate superior forecasting performance for the 250 examined goods compared to the other models. In addition, it is recommended to utilize a model that incorporates time-series learning and multivariate learning techniques in order to effectively manage inventory. The present section concludes by conducting an analysis of the models' performance and their potential utility in predicting the demand for goods within Circle-K companies.en_US
dc.subjectDemand Forecastingen_US
dc.subjectFast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG)en_US
dc.subjectHolt’s Linear Trenden_US
dc.subjectRecurrent Neural Networks (RNN)en_US
dc.subjectLong ShortTerm Memory (LSTM)en_US
dc.titleDemand Forecasting Of Fast-Moving Consumer Goods Based On Modeling Of Time Series And Deep Learning Methods. Case Study: Convenience Store Chainen_US

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