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dc.contributor.advisorPhung, Phuong Linh
dc.contributor.authorNguyen, Thi Doanh Tam
dc.description.abstractThe implementation of green practices has become prevalent in global restaurant industry, including Vietnam. The main object of this research is to investigate and exploit the impacts of green practices at Restaurants in Ho Chi Minh city, and how those activities relate with guest emotional attachment which lead to guest’s satisfaction. This research project will be conducted by collecting survey from guest who have experiences at green restaurant in Ho Chi Minh city. The survey questions will be send to guest through both online and offline. The valid responses were 358 cases. The reliability test of Cronbach’s alpha and CFA will be used to test the hypothesis. The results demonstrate there are three factors that would affect the green practices at restaurant operation, including Energy and Water efficient equipment, Recycling and Composting and Menu Sustainability while eco-friendly supplies have no effects. The findings also proved that when guests can have a visual observation of applying green practices at the restaurant environment where they had experiences with, they will increase their intention to those activities which directly influence their emotional and satisfaction at the outcomes. From these findings, this research can help restaurants in Ho Chi Minh area to understand and apply green practices effectively within the business environment so that it can lead to positive emotional attachment and satisfaction for guests.en_US
dc.subjectGreen recycling and compostingen_US
dc.subjectcustomer satisfactionen_US
dc.titleThe Effects of Green Practices in Restaurant on Guest Emotional Attachment and Satisfaction : A Study in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnamen_US

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