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dc.contributor.advisorNguyen, Phuong Thao
dc.contributor.authorTran, Thi Khanh Vy
dc.description.abstractPerceiving the role of corporate governance on liquidity in the equity market, this thesis aims to investigate how corporate governance impacts the liquidity of stocks in the context of the Vietnamese market. The corporate governance index (CGI) was constructed to assess the governance performance of 325 listed firms on Ho Chi Minh Stock Exchange (HOSE) in 2019. This research also employs two different measures of liquidity includes liquidity ratio and share turnover ratio to ensure the generalization of the results. By running multiple linear regression, the study finds that there exists a positive relationship between CGI and liquidity ratio, implying that companies with well governance structure will provide more liquidity of equity in the market.en_US
dc.subjectCorporate governanceen_US
dc.subjectStock liquidityen_US
dc.titleThe impact of corporate governance on stock liquidity - Evidence from non-financial listed companies in Ho Chi Minh stock exchange (HOSE)en_US

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