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dc.contributor.advisorNguyen, Que Tien
dc.contributor.authorVan, Vu Tue Nghi
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this study was to examine the elements impacting sponsor firms' brand image communication via sponsorship in the context of CIMB Bank sponsoring an International University (IU) Job Fair event in Vietnam in 2020. Based on Grohs and Reisinger's (2014) previous research on image formation through sponsorship, this study examines the overall contribution of three independent variables, which are: Event sponsor fit, Event commercialization and Event image, a dependent variable is Brand image, and two moderating variables which are: Activity involvement and sponsorship exposure to the brand image connection. The major method used in this study was a quantitative approach, with many statistical methods such as reliability coefficients, EFA, CFFA, and SEM used to examine the direct and moderating impacts of factors. The academic and practical findings of this research established that the way brand image to be regognized was influenced by perceptions of a specific event's image and event-sponsor fit. Tosumup,while sponsorship was restricted for academic study, this paper presented some notable conceptual and practical recommendations for brands who want to use sponsorship to design and implement their brands, as well as other researchers whowish to research image communication in the futureen_US
dc.subjectBrand imageen_US
dc.titleSponsorship effects on brand image : The role of exposure and activity involvement - In the case of CIMB bank sponsoring International university job fair event 2020en_US

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