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dc.contributor.advisorLe, Dinh Minh Tri
dc.contributor.authorLe, Doan Kim Linh
dc.description.abstractPurpose: This study is conducted to fill in the gap of Higher Education Institutions engagement (HEIs Engagement in short) from the approach of marketing in Higher Education. The definition of Higher Education Institutions engagement is clearly explained in this study. Moreover, determinants and relational outcomes of HEIs engagement are conceptualized and examined to emphasize the importance of Higher Education Institutions engagement in Higher Education service marketing. Design/methodology/approach: This paper would conduct a quantitative approach to examine and analyze the data set collected from the respondents. The measurement scales include seven constructs, three of which are first order factor for HEIs Engagement construct. For data collection, I and Ms. Phan Vu Diem Quynh conducted an online and offline survey in three months from October 2020 to November 2020. Collected data was then processed by SPSS 22 and AMOS 20 to test four hypotheses. Findings: HEIs engagement is proved to be driven by Student Satisfaction and is determinants of Student Loyalty. Meanwhile, HEIs Image is insignificantly related to HEIs engagement. HEIs Reputation also has insignificant influence on HEIs engagement. Originality/value: The insights brought by this research have not been studied previously in the education context and marketing context in Vietnam, especially in Ho Chi Minh city. The results suggest that the education managers of universities should take HEIs engagement into account because this construct does not only drive from student satisfaction but also result in student loyalty.en_US
dc.subjectHigher Education marketingen_US
dc.subjectHEIs imageen_US
dc.titleDeterminants of higher education institutions engagement in Ho Chi Minh city - The study on undergraduated studentsen_US

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