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dc.contributor.advisorTran, Tien Khoa
dc.contributor.authorNguyen, Minh Ngan
dc.description.abstract"Commitment" is a term increasingly of interest in Management Studies (Dov and Meni, 2001; A., 2000) Marketing Research (Kim and Oh, 2002) and Export Research (R. and B., 2001), but research "Commitment" in import is scarce. The author carried out this study to discover the term importer commitment in the buyer and seller relationship. According to Peter & John (2001)there are three main components of commitment in an organization: Affective Commitment, Continuance Commitment, and Normative Commitment. Affective Commitment comes when employees feel attached to the organization; Continuance Commitment will occur when employees weigh between losses/benefits when they want to leave the organization; Normative Commitment is the obligations of employees to the organization that workers feel need to perform, even if they already want to leave the organization. However, the concept of the commitment of research on management, marketing, and export/import will be different because the subjects' substance is different. The term "Commitment" used in export studies expresses a desire for a long term partnership between partners (R. and B., 2001). These commitments also include a willingness to contribute tangible and invisible resources to support export-related activities (Katsikeas, S.C., Piercy, F.N., & Ioannidis, 1996). (Beamish, Craig and McLellan, 1993) argued that the export commitment was to concentrate the company's resources, including a large number of human resources and senior management for export activities.en_US
dc.titleAntecedents affecting on importer commitment - Case study of Vietnamese importersen_US

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